
Arc connects companies with vetted remote developers, designers, and marketers for quick hiring.
July 24, 2024
Web App, Other
Arc Website

About Arc

Arc is a global platform designed for businesses seeking top remote talent such as developers, designers, and marketers. With access to a pool of vetted candidates ready for interviews, Arc simplifies hiring by matching companies with skilled professionals, ensuring quality and speed in the recruitment process.

Arc offers flexible hiring plans with no costs until a successful hire is made. Clients benefit from access to a vast network of vetted talent, saving money compared to traditional recruitment methods. Upgrading to full-time positions expedited hiring leads to better workforce scalability at competitive rates.

The user interface of Arc is designed to enhance the job-seeking experience, emphasizing ease of navigation and user-friendly features. Users can browse talent swiftly, view profiles instantly, and connect with potential hires, creating a seamless experience for both employers and job seekers.

How Arc works

To use Arc, businesses first share their hiring needs and preferences. The platform utilizes advanced technology to match them with top candidates, who are thoroughly vetted for skills and language proficiency. Companies can view candidate profiles instantly, connect directly with potential hires, and manage their hiring process seamlessly, ensuring an efficient and effective recruitment experience.

Key Features for Arc

Vetted Talent Pool

Arc’s vetted talent pool is a standout feature that connects businesses with high-quality candidates. This pool ensures that companies engage with professionals who possess the necessary skills and fluency, streamlining hiring and ensuring only the best candidates are presented for interviews.

HireAI Technology

Arc's HireAI technology revolutionizes the hiring process, enabling businesses to view candidate matches instantly. This innovative feature eliminates the tedious resume review process, improving efficiency and allowing employers to focus on connecting with the right talent more quickly and effectively.

Global Talent Access

Arc provides access to a diverse global talent pool, connecting businesses with candidates from over 190 countries. This feature not only expands the hiring landscape but also offers significant cost savings compared to traditional hiring methods, ensuring businesses find top talent at competitive rates.

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